Sport Sigi

Via Stazione 3
39044 Egna/Neumarkt
General description

The sportshop Sport Sigi in Egna/ Neumarkt offers sportswear and cashual clothes of the best labels.

Opening hours a Egna, Via Stazione 3, tel. 0471 813062
Monday - Friday: 08.45 - 12.15 and 15.15 - 18.45 o'clock
Saturday: 08.30 - 12.15 and 15.00 - 18.00 o'clock

Opening hours a Caldaro, Via dell'Oro 22, tel. 0471 963191
Monday - Friday: 08.45 - 12.15 and 15.15 - 18.45 o'clock
Saturdayo: 08.45 - 12.15 and 15.00 - 18.00 o'clock

Description to arrive at destination

Freeway A22, exit Egna/Ora, Egna, center

Opening hours: yearlong
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