Furnishing Store Jungmann

Via Josef Maria Pernter Straße 12
39044 Neumarkt/Egna
General description
My home. My own four walls, my cosy nest. Where I wake up tousled, where I laugh, love, dance and enjoy. Where I party with friends, where my children grow up and I fall contentedly into bed at night. That's how I want to live. In our furniture store in South Tyrol, you get the perfect furnishings, top service and lots of practical tips. Our staff is always there for you - with a smile, years of experience and two strong, helping hands. From planning to installation. That's a promise. At Jungmann we have even more in store for you: the largest furniture selection in South Tyrol, a complete range in the household and living sector and everything for your baby.
Opening hours: yearlong
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
9:00 AM - 6:30 PM
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