Tenuta Waldgries

S. Giustina/St. Justina 2
39100 Bolzano/Bozen
General description

The vinery Tenuta Waldgries is situated on the northern part of Bolzano, in the S. Giustina wine area. The family farm is guided by Christian Plattner with passion and love. The responsable handling with nature and with earth is one of the most important aspects for the qualitiy wine production. 

Wine path „The secrets of Waldgries wine estate“

An artistic wine path has been created at the centuries-old Waldgries manor, near the picturesque wine village of S. Maddalena near Bolzano.

Along the old street on Renon, in the middle of the vineyards, the visitor learns interesting facts about the Ansitz Waldgries manor on the wine trail designed by the South Tyrolean artist Philipp Moroder Doss: locations, climate, vineyard work, cultivation, culture and much more.

This path leads to a vantage point from which one has a wonderful view of the city of Bolzano with S. Maddalena, Rencio and the castles of Campegno and Cornedo.

Afterwards, Christian Plattner's wines can be tasted in the sales and tasting point.

Length of the way: approx. 600 m

The path is open to the public.

Opening hours: yearlong
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
8:00 AM - 12:30 PM
2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
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