The parish center of Egna

General description

House number 17 of the Via Portici is a building of great historical and artistic interest, whose long period of restoration has allowed for the documentation of the construction and embellishment phases. At the end of the 15th century, the first construction phase took place, from which you can still see the original three-pointed arch vaults of the arcade and the late Gothic profile of the windows on the façade, walled in and substituted in later eras. The painted ceiling of the great central hall stems from the first half of the 16th century and is considered one of the most beautiful ones in the entire region. This hall is situated between the atrium and the back courtyard, measures 17 x 6 meters, and is illuminated by two triple-mullioned late Gothic windows. The ceiling is beamed, with painted friezes framing painted wooden boards that feature allegorical motifs, male and female portraits, and coats of arms of noble and village families of the area. In the middle of the 16th century, the atrium was completed, inspired by the Renaissance, characterized by incised decorations and by a loggia of semicircular arches on three sides of the second floor. The rich painted decoration of the atrium on the first floor stems from the end of the 16th century, while the frescoes on the façade date back to the 1600s. The building was purchased by the town in 1889 and donated to the parish in 1978; today, it is the seat of the parish community of Neumarkt/Egna.


Description to arrive at destination

Highway A22, exit Egna/Ora, direction Egna center

Public transport

Getting to the starting point of the tour or point of interest by public transport is easy and convenient.

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