Church of St. Peter

General description

The Gothic church of St. Peter, built in the 16th century, is located at the southern entrance to the village of Auer/Ora, next to the local cemetery. In past times, it was the most important church of the surrounding villages and is situated in a pit about 5 meters deep and was often inaccessible due to flooding of the nearby Rio Nero stream. It had to be uncovered again and again and was finally protected by a stone wall. Today, after restoration work in the 1970s, the church is open to the public for Holy Masses and celebrations and houses the oldest organ in South Tyrol that can still be played. It was built in 1599 by the organ builder Hans Schwarzenbach.

Description to arrive at destination

Freeway A22, exit Egna/Ora, direction Ora

Public transport

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Castelfeder sulla Strada del Vino Soc. Coop. a r. l.
Piazza Principale 5
39040 Auer / Ora
Südtirol/Alto Adige - Italy
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