Lake Kaltern

St. Josef am See/S. Giuseppe al lago
39052 Caldaro/Kaltern
General description

The Lake Kaltern The Mediterranean landscape around Lake Kalterer See leads many to the correct assumption that this lake really is the warmest lake in the Alps! There are four public beaches that offer direct access to the lake, known for its especially inviting water quality and colorful splendor! Sometimes it's a tint of deep blue, other times it mirrors the green of the surrounding landscape! And Lake Kalterer See is so versatile: row boats, sailboats, pedal boats and surf boards glide across the water. Yet it's so incredibly tranquil here. For sure you'll hear the sound of children's laughter; after all, this is their little corner of paradise. Quite simply, it's beautiful in the lake, on the lake and all around the lake.

Description to arrive at destination

By car: from Kaltern take the wine road towards Tramin/Termeno. In St. Josef/San Giuseppe turn left towards Lake Kaltern. Large parking area available.

By public transportation: regular bus connections to Lake Kaltern. At the following link you will find further info as well as the detailed timetable 

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