Start: Centre of Auer/Ora
Walkway: The path starts in the centre of Auer and leads from the Schwarzenbach/Rio Nero gorge to the vineyards of the Pfitscher Winery. From the center of Montan/Montagna, enter the old Val di Fiemme railway track until reaching the waterfall of Glen/Gleno. From the waterfall, the walkway leads to Mazon/Mazzon and the Kaldiff Castle. From there, the hiking path n. 15 leads to Pinzon/Pinzano and back again at the old Val di Fiemme railway track. Through Castelfeder back to Auer, walking along the hiking path number 4.
Where to stop: Waldthaler Winery, Pfitscher Winery, Brunnenhof, Kollerhof, S. Praxmarer, Franz Haas Winery, Restaurant "Goldener Löwe" and "Zur Rose" in the centre of Montan, Tavern "Lexnhof" and "Planitzer" in Glen, Restaurant "Pinzonerkeller".
Monuments and historical places: Baumgarten Castle, Bridge of Glen, waterfall of Glen, St. Michael Church in Mazon, Kaldiff Castle, Stephan Church in Pinzon, frescoes on the walls of the Restaurant "Pinzoner Keller", watchtower "Saltner", Castelfeder nature habitat.