Climbing garden "St. Hippolyt"

Andreas Hofer Str. 9/1
39011 Lana
General description
The versatile climbing wall at St. Hippolyt above Lana offers climbing fun in the lower to medium difficulty levels. In addition to some slab passages, you will find mostly heavily layered rock with ledges, handles and also lower holds. The porphyry is rough and allows for a good grip. The end of the rock is formed by a small rock roof, which can also be climbed as an extension of the routes with a 2nd pitch. The climbing garden is well secured.
Description to arrive at destination

By car from Lana in the direction of the Gampenpass. After the tunnel (just before Tisens) turn right into the Naraun car park. From here it is about a 10-minute walk to the Naraun pond and the climbing garden.

Public transport
Citybus 216 hourly from Lana to bus stop Naraun/St. Hippolyt
Parking facilities in Naraun below the hill of the St. Hippolyt Church
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39040 Auer / Ora
Südtirol/Alto Adige - Italy
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