
Via Perathoner Str.
39100 Bolzano / Bozen
General description

PASSEPARTOUR is Bolzano's organisation of tour guides and couriers, that extend the choice available to tourists in our area by offering a wide variety of guided tours by bus, by train, by cable-car, on foot and  a vast range of guided tours by BIKE in Bolzano and in South Tyrol (with the loan of a brand bike included).

Recommended season
Guestnet Südtirols Süden
Guestnet Südtirols Süden
The new digital guest guide
Winter Wonderland
Winter Wonderland
From relaxed winter hiking to thrilling slope adventures.
Ferienregion/Destinazione turistica Südtirols Süden
Piazza Principale 5
39040 Auer / Ora
Südtirol/Alto Adige - Italy
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