Auer / Ora, Montan / Montagna, Neumarkt / Egna and Salorno / Salurn

Holiday region Castelfeder Bolzano / Bozen and environs

The holiday villages Auer / Ora, Montan / Montagna, Neumarkt / Egna and Salorno / Salurn are situated south of Bolzano / Bozen, framed by orchards and vineyards. Beautiful wines flourish here, especially Pinot Noir, and crispy apples. Kalterer See / Lago di Caldaro is not far and the Dolomites UNESCO World Heritage are close enough to touch. Culinary delights, relaxation or sporting activity: here in the holiday region Bolzano and environs everyone gets the best out of their holiday.

Castelfeder hill, that gave the region its name, is at the heart of the holiday region. It arises between the villages and connects them. It is as fascinating as it is unique. Old wall footings point to fortifications dating back to Late Antiquity and to a pre-historic settlement.


Inauguration of the Schwarz-Weiss Path
Lagrein mile | 2024
Sound of Wine in Salorno/Salurn
Spring in Auer/Ora
Neumarkt/Egna in springtime
Notte romantica at Egna
Visit Castelfeder 11 months ago

Fotos von Borgo DiVino in Tours Beitrag

Visit Castelfeder 11 months ago

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After yesterday's kick-off, the Tour of the Alps continued today in Salurn as the starting stage! In addition to the great supporting programme, there was also a small exhibition to explore. Naturally, the event attracted numerous visitors, who waited eagerly for the start of the race. 🍀💚

#visitcastelfeder #tourofthealps #visitsouthtyrol #southtyrol #suedtirol #altoadige #salurn #salorno #tota2024 #tourofthealps2024
Photo: Thomas Monsorno

Visit Castelfeder 12 months ago

Nach dem gestrigen Auftakt ging es heute in Salurn als Startetappe der Tour of the Alps weiter! Neben dem tollen Rahmenprogramm gab es hier auch eine kleine Ausstellung zu erkunden. Selbstverständlich lockte das Event zahlreiche Besucher an, welche gespannt auf den Startpfiff des Rennens warteten! 🍀💚


Dopo il kick-off di ieri, il Tour of the Alps è proseguito oggi a Salorno come tappa di partenza! Oltre al grande programma di intrattenimento, c'era anche una piccola mostra da esplorare. Naturalmente, l'evento ha attirato numerosi visitatori, che hanno atteso con ansia il fischio d'inizio della gara! 🍀💚

Tour of the Alps | Salurn Salorno Cittaslow | Südtirol Alto Adige South Tyrol
Photo: Thomas Monsorno

Visit Castelfeder 12 months ago

Tour of the Alps 2024 - Stage 1 Highlights

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Castelfeder sulla Strada del Vino Soc. Coop. a r. l.
Piazza Principale 5
39040 Auer / Ora
Südtirol/Alto Adige - Italy
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